This time I'm going to talk about a page that is paying in Bitcoin, it's easy to handle and you do not have to do anything, it's called Bits2u, maybe you heard it or maybe you did not, page is Peruvian and is legally registered, before they offered PTC (Paid to Click), PTP (Paid to Promoter - I think that's what they are called) Finally the last thing you had to do was share your referral link and just visit the link they added a visit, they also had a voting center that you had to do every day, but all these options were removed from the page, leaving mining in the cloud as the only way to earn Bitcoin. When you register you are given 30 2uhash for a month, this is not more than the power of mining, then you must buy it yourself with whatever you have managed to mine in a month or making a deposit, I tell you that I did not have to do deposit, because as I commented at the beginning before were the options of PTC, PTP and Voting, and I made them daily and so...
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